I quit social media so long ago that I don’t even really remember what it’s like to have that leech in my life anymore. But I know that I am SO. MUCH. HAPPIER without it! I’m less angry, sad and stressed about the world, I have more real connections with the people in my life, I get more sleep… can’t recommend it enough!
I was talking to a friend about this and when they heard I don’t use social media at all their immediate response was, “So what do you do?” Well, I do real things. Spend time with people. Read. Write. Things that actually bring me joy. I wish more people would realize how much joy they are missing out on by living online.
Ahhh, this comment is so comforting to me 😌 Thanks for reading!
What I find strangest is that I don't even miss it, like at all. I'm gaining so much time in my day and it's spent doing so many interesting things! That would be my advice to anyone looking to quit or greatly lower their usage: find a hobby you love, then realize how much MORE you get to do it now! I'm so grateful to have my writing and I'm excited to see how much more I'll be able to create my first full year without social media.
(Except for SubStack, of course, which still feels very social to me and reminds me of the good ole internet days...)
I didn’t miss it at all either. I think so many people would feel the same and would be shocked by how unimportant it feels once it’s not a daily part of their lives. The one or two times a year that I log into Facebook to message a family member or LinkedIn for something work-related I instantly remember how it made me feel to be inundated with information I have no way of choosing, and that feeling confirms that I made the right choice.
I’m excited for you too! I can’t wait to see what you create this year! :)
Bravo, Paige! Though I think – your note 3 question – that Substack is a form of social media, yes, especially with the Notes element. But it's had such positives for me that it doesn't feel like the others. It's boosted my creativity, not hindered it.
Thank you for reading Wendy and yes, I agree that SubStack is a social media platform... So perhaps my title is not fully accurate 😅 To me, SubStack feels like it goes back to the original days of social media when being *social* was the goal. I've connected to so many creatives here and I absolutely love reading and learning about them through their posts. (Although I did delete the SubStack app from my phone not too long ago, realizing the Notes element was pulling too much of my attention. Constant vigilance!)
Exactly, Paige. It got to the point that twitter/X just made me feel annoyed every time I looked, and who wants that? Here, though, so much to read that’s genuinely thoughtful and interesting, a space to write, and mutual encouragement. Love it!
Hi Steve! I am happy to see all this too! I did not expect this to strike a chord with so many people, but I'm glad to know I wasn't the only person feeling this way. :)
Yesterday was my day to quit social media. Except I just got a notification about this article. Have to turn that off. 😁 Substack desperately wants to be social media. The CEO was courting Tik Tok influencers last week. I was just getting started here but I think I probably need to go cold turkey. Just writing this comment has used too many brain cells.
Nooooo, SubStack should let itself be its own thing! I try and stay away from scrolling on it on my phone (I don't have the app) and instead use the browser version. But we know ourselves, and sometimes we just have to go cold turkey -- like I did with the other platforms. Best of luck to you!!!
Thank you for writing this! I quit Facebook 8 years ago, and it was the best decision ever that I haven’t regretted for a MOMENT.
Since then though, I built a following of several hundred thousand followers across Twitter, IG, etc so it feels impossible to quit. But maybe automated posting can save me so I’m not directly involved and getting trapped by the algorithm.
The algorithm is a beast, especially for creatives or business owners. Feels like these platforms control us and not the other way around 😭
I do feel like there are ways to set healthy boundaries related to social media apps, and I’m sure after spending years building up an audience it would be very hard to turn away from them! As long as they are still feeling “social” to you and adding benefits to your life, I think it’s perfectly fine to stay engaged on social media. Just do occasional checks to make sure they still aligning with what you want in life, you know?
Thank you for reading and commenting! You got this 👏
I think it’s no coincidence that November was and December were my most productive months in terms of creativity, too! Excited to see all the hours that were spend scrolling that I’ll channel into writing in 2025. 🥰
Already I’ve read more books in a single month than I did in ANY month last year! There is no part of me that wishes to give in to the time suck that is social media and doom scrolling.
I resonate SO much with this! I spend so much time fighting with social media and, while I do get inspiration from it, 98% of the time, it's just a mindless waste of time. Maybe our brains weren't meant to be stimulated all the time. Maybe boredom isn't that bad!
I'm glad it didn't come across too "preachy" bc that was my fear, but I really felt like the message would resonate to SOMEONE out there who needed to hear it!
I've been wanting to write a love letter to boredom for a while now. It seriously is a gift, although we definitely don't treat it that way -- Why do we get such insights during the shower or long car rides? Because we're bored and our minds can wander! What a gift!!!!
Hi Megan! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. It sounds like you're exactly where I was for a few years--teasing the idea of leaving, but never quite doing it. I'd recommend you check out the book & SubStack I linked in my post for extra inspiration!
I did not fully delete or deactivate my accounts, they still exist. I think that's because my decision originally wasn't meant to be forever. I'd be sad to officially delete my FB since I had it for 16 years. It feels like a time capsule for so much of my life, so for now, I'm okay leaving it there. :)
Whenever I do log in (to pull the old screenshots for this post, for example) I am filled with an INTENSE desire to get off as quickly as possible. The platforms just don't feel appealing anymore. I'm surprised my brain could change its attitude towards it that quickly!!!
I've been talking with a few friends since this post about different ways to set boundaries. I don't think everyone needs to necessarily quit cold turkey like me. One thing you could do is allow yourself 1 day a week where you re-download the apps and check out what's going on, set a timer, and then you delete it after the timer goes off. Everything is a balance, right? It's all about keeping healthy boundaries. I'm sure you can find what is best for YOU!
I’m astounded you managed to do *2020* with no apps—that was the year that EVERYONE was chronically online… Feels like one of the last years that I was actually social on social media! I’m also going to use that as a cautionary tale that no matter how long I am off, I can very easily get sucked back on. So thank you for that!
Oof, even though I’m off the apps I’m still very much plugged into the news and so I very much relate to what you’re feeling. I’m glad you took a step in the direction of “peace” yesterday. It’s all those small steps and “one day at a time” that will get us though our phone addiction and through this craziness of the world right now!!!
Absolutely. Maybe now is the perfect time for you to start again, think of it as a "social media sabbatical" 😂😂 I honestly don't know how I could be surviving social media at the moment, although I have had the urge to just VENT and share my dismay with others. My worry is that social media allows us that opportunity but in a more shallow way, if that makes sense. Like we can repost something that's happened and feel a little soothed and move on with our life, whereas the real action (I think) is talking to people in real life, congregating, making action plans, etc.
But I digress! I'm sure whatever decision you end up making will be the best one for you at this time. And if you ever need an accountability partner, you can always reach out to me for extra support!
I quit social media so long ago that I don’t even really remember what it’s like to have that leech in my life anymore. But I know that I am SO. MUCH. HAPPIER without it! I’m less angry, sad and stressed about the world, I have more real connections with the people in my life, I get more sleep… can’t recommend it enough!
I was talking to a friend about this and when they heard I don’t use social media at all their immediate response was, “So what do you do?” Well, I do real things. Spend time with people. Read. Write. Things that actually bring me joy. I wish more people would realize how much joy they are missing out on by living online.
Ahhh, this comment is so comforting to me 😌 Thanks for reading!
What I find strangest is that I don't even miss it, like at all. I'm gaining so much time in my day and it's spent doing so many interesting things! That would be my advice to anyone looking to quit or greatly lower their usage: find a hobby you love, then realize how much MORE you get to do it now! I'm so grateful to have my writing and I'm excited to see how much more I'll be able to create my first full year without social media.
(Except for SubStack, of course, which still feels very social to me and reminds me of the good ole internet days...)
I didn’t miss it at all either. I think so many people would feel the same and would be shocked by how unimportant it feels once it’s not a daily part of their lives. The one or two times a year that I log into Facebook to message a family member or LinkedIn for something work-related I instantly remember how it made me feel to be inundated with information I have no way of choosing, and that feeling confirms that I made the right choice.
I’m excited for you too! I can’t wait to see what you create this year! :)
Love this, Paige!! Thanks for doing the audio with it since it actually adds the personal touch that you've rediscovered.
Thank you for reading/listening! I find it’s always nice to hear posts read in the author’s voice 🥰
Paige, this expresses everything about social media so perfectly. Here in solidarity 🙌
Oof, glad you understand. Team SubStack-and-nothing-else! 😂🙌
Bravo, Paige! Though I think – your note 3 question – that Substack is a form of social media, yes, especially with the Notes element. But it's had such positives for me that it doesn't feel like the others. It's boosted my creativity, not hindered it.
Thank you for reading Wendy and yes, I agree that SubStack is a social media platform... So perhaps my title is not fully accurate 😅 To me, SubStack feels like it goes back to the original days of social media when being *social* was the goal. I've connected to so many creatives here and I absolutely love reading and learning about them through their posts. (Although I did delete the SubStack app from my phone not too long ago, realizing the Notes element was pulling too much of my attention. Constant vigilance!)
Exactly, Paige. It got to the point that twitter/X just made me feel annoyed every time I looked, and who wants that? Here, though, so much to read that’s genuinely thoughtful and interesting, a space to write, and mutual encouragement. Love it!
Exactly how I feel :) Let's hope it stays that way!!!
I loved all of this… your post, the comments, responses to the comments… I am happy to see so many of us making positive choices.
Hi Steve! I am happy to see all this too! I did not expect this to strike a chord with so many people, but I'm glad to know I wasn't the only person feeling this way. :)
Yesterday was my day to quit social media. Except I just got a notification about this article. Have to turn that off. 😁 Substack desperately wants to be social media. The CEO was courting Tik Tok influencers last week. I was just getting started here but I think I probably need to go cold turkey. Just writing this comment has used too many brain cells.
Nooooo, SubStack should let itself be its own thing! I try and stay away from scrolling on it on my phone (I don't have the app) and instead use the browser version. But we know ourselves, and sometimes we just have to go cold turkey -- like I did with the other platforms. Best of luck to you!!!
Thank you for writing this! I quit Facebook 8 years ago, and it was the best decision ever that I haven’t regretted for a MOMENT.
Since then though, I built a following of several hundred thousand followers across Twitter, IG, etc so it feels impossible to quit. But maybe automated posting can save me so I’m not directly involved and getting trapped by the algorithm.
The algorithm is a beast, especially for creatives or business owners. Feels like these platforms control us and not the other way around 😭
I do feel like there are ways to set healthy boundaries related to social media apps, and I’m sure after spending years building up an audience it would be very hard to turn away from them! As long as they are still feeling “social” to you and adding benefits to your life, I think it’s perfectly fine to stay engaged on social media. Just do occasional checks to make sure they still aligning with what you want in life, you know?
Thank you for reading and commenting! You got this 👏
My sign 👏
I think it’s no coincidence that November was and December were my most productive months in terms of creativity, too! Excited to see all the hours that were spend scrolling that I’ll channel into writing in 2025. 🥰
Already I’ve read more books in a single month than I did in ANY month last year! There is no part of me that wishes to give in to the time suck that is social media and doom scrolling.
Way to go!!!! 👏👏👏📚
I resonate SO much with this! I spend so much time fighting with social media and, while I do get inspiration from it, 98% of the time, it's just a mindless waste of time. Maybe our brains weren't meant to be stimulated all the time. Maybe boredom isn't that bad!
I'm glad it didn't come across too "preachy" bc that was my fear, but I really felt like the message would resonate to SOMEONE out there who needed to hear it!
I've been wanting to write a love letter to boredom for a while now. It seriously is a gift, although we definitely don't treat it that way -- Why do we get such insights during the shower or long car rides? Because we're bored and our minds can wander! What a gift!!!!
Hi Megan! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. It sounds like you're exactly where I was for a few years--teasing the idea of leaving, but never quite doing it. I'd recommend you check out the book & SubStack I linked in my post for extra inspiration!
I did not fully delete or deactivate my accounts, they still exist. I think that's because my decision originally wasn't meant to be forever. I'd be sad to officially delete my FB since I had it for 16 years. It feels like a time capsule for so much of my life, so for now, I'm okay leaving it there. :)
Whenever I do log in (to pull the old screenshots for this post, for example) I am filled with an INTENSE desire to get off as quickly as possible. The platforms just don't feel appealing anymore. I'm surprised my brain could change its attitude towards it that quickly!!!
I've been talking with a few friends since this post about different ways to set boundaries. I don't think everyone needs to necessarily quit cold turkey like me. One thing you could do is allow yourself 1 day a week where you re-download the apps and check out what's going on, set a timer, and then you delete it after the timer goes off. Everything is a balance, right? It's all about keeping healthy boundaries. I'm sure you can find what is best for YOU!
I’m astounded you managed to do *2020* with no apps—that was the year that EVERYONE was chronically online… Feels like one of the last years that I was actually social on social media! I’m also going to use that as a cautionary tale that no matter how long I am off, I can very easily get sucked back on. So thank you for that!
Oof, even though I’m off the apps I’m still very much plugged into the news and so I very much relate to what you’re feeling. I’m glad you took a step in the direction of “peace” yesterday. It’s all those small steps and “one day at a time” that will get us though our phone addiction and through this craziness of the world right now!!!
Absolutely. Maybe now is the perfect time for you to start again, think of it as a "social media sabbatical" 😂😂 I honestly don't know how I could be surviving social media at the moment, although I have had the urge to just VENT and share my dismay with others. My worry is that social media allows us that opportunity but in a more shallow way, if that makes sense. Like we can repost something that's happened and feel a little soothed and move on with our life, whereas the real action (I think) is talking to people in real life, congregating, making action plans, etc.
But I digress! I'm sure whatever decision you end up making will be the best one for you at this time. And if you ever need an accountability partner, you can always reach out to me for extra support!