Beautiful commentary on how aging can affect us! I think about it a lot too - this idea that, as women, we lose something as we age, but really we're gaining SO much. It's a joy to get older and experience life with more knowledge and wisdom. <3

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"this idea that, as women, we lose something as we age, but really we're gaining SO much" BRUH slap that over this blog post, that says EVERYTHING!!!

I also know how silly it is for me to write and post this at 30 with relatively minimal wrinkles, but the topic has been rattling around in my brain the last 8 months... I hope I can read this in 10, 20, 30 years and still feel the same way about aging!

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Me too! I think 30 is really the age we start thinking about getting older because we're entering this new chapter of life. I really love this topic though and I hope we all keep exploring and talking about it!

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